Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I found these typographic illustrations on the same website from which I found the content for my illustration blog this week - (Yulia Brodskaya). I'm really fascinated by them. In general, I like designs with 3D type, but these two stand out to me especially because of the sense of space they create and the activity within their letter-forms. There is not a particular typeface used in these designs, as they were illustrated.  Each of them have sans-serif and serif characteristics.  To be honest, I don't know what the one with the S, H, K, Y, etc. says - any guesses? Obviously the message is not crucial to my judgment at the moment. I like how the letters in "kelly"have some straight edges and some curved.  I like to be surprised by different letters within a font - anything too predictable has its use for application, but is boring.

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